How To Make Your Perfume Last Longer

How To Make Your Perfume Last Longer

The problem is not the perfume, nor your skin, it is how to apply that perfume on your skin!

Who doesn’t want the perfume to stay more than 2 hours without fading away?

You can find below some successful and guaranteed tips to make your perfume last longer and make the scent more concentrated:

1. Don’t store your perfumes in your bathroom or you Car!

Steam, heat and temperature can break down the perfume ingredients and reduce the intensity of the perfume. Indeed, storing your perfume in the car can reduce its intensity due to the sunlight.

Always keep your fragrances in a cool and dry place to keep their concentration.

2. Apply the fragrance right after you finish your shower

After your shower, all the pores are open. That will make the scent you apply stick to your skin.

Don’t forget to make it your daily routine!

3. Never ever rub your perfume on your wrist or anywhere else

Rubbing the fragrance after applying it will let the scent fade away faster than intended and will break up the perfume composition.

4. Vaseline can be your best friend!

The secret is to rub Vaseline on the pulse points you want to apply the perfume on. It will help in sticking the scent to your skin. 

Body pulse points:

  • The inner wrists
  • The base of the throat
  • Behind ear lobes
  • The cleavage
  • Behind knees
  • Inner elbows

6. Matchy Matchy with a body lotion

If you are running low on your perfume fragrance, go for a body lotion, and unscented one.

Grab the last drops of your fragrance and pour it in a body lotion or hand cream.

7. Layer up

Most people do it, but don’t admit it.

The secret to a complicated, mysterious fragrance is to layer up 2 perfumes at once.

To customize your own special scent, mix a combination of two of your perfumes. Always apply the heavy scent first and then the lighter one after it.


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